What We Believe
We believe that God has made His divine nature and eternal power clearly visible and perceivable to all mankind through creation and has further revealed Himself through the written word of God, the Bible. We hold all 66 books to be divinely inspired by God and as such to be authoritative, infallibly true. Therefore, it is profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness.
We believe that God created men and women in His own image; therefore, humans are the pinnacle of creation and have tremendous value in His eyes. Human life is a sacred gift that holds privilege, significance, and responsibility over and above all other created things. All people regardless of ethnicity, gender, social class, age, physical or mental abilities have equal value before God.
We believe that God created us as free moral agents with the capacity to discern and choose between right and wrong. We are all, therefore, morally accountable to God for our thoughts and actions. We believe that sin initially entered into the world through the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, who broke faith with God and disobeyed His command. As a result, the judgment of death came into the world. We believe that every person has sinned and subsequently incurred the same judgment and are in need of God's forgiveness, redemption, and salvation.
We believe there is only one name and one way we can be saved, Jesus of Nazareth. Because of God's great love for humanity and His desire to impart everlasting life to all, He sent His only son, Jesus, into the world to save mankind from the judgment of sin and death. Jesus having existed in the very form of God, humbled Himself and left the glory of heaven to become a man and lived among us as a servant. He demonstrated His love by partaking in our human weakness, subjecting Himself to suffering and sympathizing with us. He lived a sinless life fulfilling the requirements of the Law of God on our behalf and took upon Himself the punishment that was due us. He willingly suffered to the point of death on a cross in order that our judgment might be taken away and eternal life be given instead. Because of His sinless life and sacrificial death, salvation is freely given without cost to any and all whoreceive it by faith, turning away from sin and trusting only in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Salvation is received through the act of faith based solely upon God's grace. It cannot be earned or merited by our good works.
We believe that all who genuinely trust in Christ are given the gift of the Holy Spirit who indwells and empowers believers to live rightly and display the character and glory of God in their lives.
We believe that after Jesus died on the cross, He was buried in a tomb and then physically raised from the dead on the third day by the power of God. He is now seated at the right hand of God the Father making intercession for us. The resurrection was a demonstration of the Father's acceptance of Christ's sacrifice on our behalf. Furthermore, it served as proof that Jesus was the one and only Messiah sent from the Father and that God promises to likewise raise all believers from the dead.
We believe that Jesus will come again in power and glory to liberate the creation from its bondage to sin and death and will restore all things. He will judge the world in righteousness and condemn all who are opposed to Him. There will be a resurrection of both believers and non-believers. The saved will be raised to experience everlasting life and joy with God, and the lost will be raised unto eternal damnation, the Second Death.
We believe that as representatives of Christ, we are called to do good works in the world and to be stewards over the earth. We are the Global body of Christ and members of one another. We are called to build up the body and to love one another. Together by the power of the Spirit, we are to share the good news of Jesus, make disciples, work for peace, protect life, help the weak, uphold justice, declare the love of God in all the world and build His Kingdom on earth until the day Jesus returns.